Choose Happy

Positive Psychology

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These three simple tools of positive psychology can teach you how to be more happy with your life.

How Positive Psychology Can Increase Your Happiness

You’ve probably heard many suggestions about how to relieve stress and be happy, but how do you know if they work? Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes us happy and how. Resulting from these studies are what scientists refer to as Positive Psychology Interventions. These interventions have been used to help patients with a range of issues from heart disease to depression. Here are a few intervention activities that can teach you how to be more positive in life.

Attitude of Gratitude

Activities such as making a gratitude list have a long-lasting effect on helping you feel happier. Here’s how to change a negative event into a positive event. Instead of grumbling and complaining about something that happened, such as getting yelled at by your boss or getting cut off in traffic, turn your attention to something positive. Focusing on being grateful you have a job or that you can afford a car and gas can change your whole attitude. If you practice this often, you may even notice that you don’t experience negative emotions during events that used to bother you.

Practice Forgiveness

Bad things happen, but you don’t have to hold on to anger. Practicing forgiveness not only benefits you mentally but also improves your physical well-being. When you forgive, you release yourself from the bondage of negative emotions. Forgiveness gives you permission to move forward.

Engage in Creativity

Even if you don’t see yourself as a creative person, you can benefit by engaging in creative activities. In positive psychology, creativity isn’t seen as a means to fame and fortune. In fact, it doesn’t even matter if you create a finished product. What is important is the act of creativity itself. Creativity can help you see more choice in your life, increase your mental flexibility and boost your resiliency. Go ahead and break out that coloring book or musical instrument. It’s good for you.

These three simple tools of positive psychology can teach you how to be more positive and happy.

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